With a number for -1, we can calculate the value of i.
In base 2, …111 =-1, so we need a number x such that x^2 = …111. We can multiply by term order to iteratively solve.
For the first term:
1 = x0*x0
So x0=1
Second term:
1 = x1*1 + 1*x1
1 = 2*x1
So x1 = 1/2
Third term:
1 = x2*1 + (1/2)*(1/2) + 1*x2
1 = 2*X2 + 1/4
3/4 = 2*X2
So x2 = 3/8
And so on. We now have a numeric representation of i in base 2.
… (35/128) (5/16) (3/8) (1/2) (1)
Next time we will investigate some properties of this number.